He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, August 25, 2005

OK, so I shouldn't have left the seat up....

I decided not to deal with anyone today, oddly, noone wanted to deal with me either I guess.

Except an old friend who holds a very special place in my heart. Which totally surprised me.

Life continues, much to my surprise, and we had an amazing thuderstorm here this morning.

Savannah has decided to return, long enough to eat and get a good brushing, then ran off again, but she is smart enough to run away from the major road, so I try to let her roam. Bengals don't do well indoors, and she has an asshole stepbrother.

I'm trying very hard to hold everything together, but it's been wierd, and I want an escape. Thinking seriously about snowboarding in New Zealand before too long. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I'll jump off a cliff that's too high.

A friend of mine's cat has taken to using the toilet on his own. No training. Boggles the mind. I wish Roswell would.....

But he's a good boy, and a great alarm clock.

I misss Indiana, she was the snuggly kitty.

Anyway, Off to try and install an old version of WindowsNT because I know how to hve a good time.



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