He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, October 27, 2005

This starts to suck

OK wandering around trying to find wireless that is free simply sux.

It' s cold here, and doing so is simply folly.

And someone please tell me where my ex wife is ?

I don't plan to stalk, I just would like to know.



Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ok, I have no phone, noe real email, and I surf for wireless by wandering around.

So if you need to contact me, try my email, I may get it while I work.

That's the state of affairs right now. There's a HUGE amount of blocking here, so it's a little wierd. Sometimes things get through sometimes not.


The Grinch

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ok, dropping an iBook works, if......

Ok Never put a sub sandwich, a bag og chips , a mountain Dew in the same bag as yer iBook.

Trust me on this one...... And then take a walk.

The strap will break, and so will the iBook. The sandwich will survive. and the chips will just be smaller.....

Now I owe Jeffco an iBook repair.

Damn glad the darn thing is made of plastic, if it was a Titanium or Aluminum I'd be in serious trouble.

But I'm hosed, but, hell what else is new........

But I found a great place for cheezwhiz.........

Now off to the the races, no internet, no phone, and no cat füd.

Good place to be. I''m just loving life.

There was once a time when I at leat kept a positive attitude. Now, I'm just copping an attitude.

For those of you who helped me, thank you, for a few others who ditched me screw you.

I'm sittting in a parking lot trying to get internet access. I think it's time to call friends friends, ,and others, well quite frankly enemies. And I'm starting to lose my abillity to be cool.

You know who you you are, and I'm sorry if I disappointed, but I never thought I'd drop a friend. But you've played and made situations out of things that were VERY important to me. It may be funny to you, but it's VERY important to me.

Sorry for the diatribe. But I'm a son of a bitch when I get pissed off.


Wireless in Boulder....

Well if you wander around long enough, you can find a Open wireless network in Boulder.

Of course you lookk like a dork, but I look like a dork anyway.

I wish there was one closer to my house though.

But it would appear Pamela and Janet are willing to accomadate me at the moment.......

I have no idea who they are...... But I can't afford to buy them dinner for the favor anyway, so I guess that's good.

If I could figure out how to use my old Duo solar panel on this iBook, me and the cats could probably live in the car.... although a cat box would be tough, but the car ain't going nowhere.....

Just checking in, Honda thing didn't work out, they wanted like 18% interest, which drove the monthly up almost as high as the Rover payments used to be, and that was USED. My mom tells me the Beetle is dead, and I can't come up with a downpayment on anything else anyway.

So I'm changing fuel pumps and filters on my own, which is an adventure. Dropping a fuel tank is a real adventure, trust me.

Cheers, the iBook Knowmad.

PS Caroline, thank you for the wireless detctor, I owe you BIG> HB

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lack of communication


Here's the deal.....

I have no more internet, No more phone, and no more way to get to work.

So as things go, well, they basically suck.

They decided to redo the plumbing on our street and managed to hit a power main, which brought down the COmcast connection, SPrint shut me off, and until I have my stupid paper paycheck clear I'm done. And I still haven't got my "real" debit card replaced from when my wallet took a walk.

So, during some daylight hours I can go to the downtown hotspots, but other wise I'm dead in the water. Luckily I have Ramen and the cats have tuna.

This could go better, but I wouldn't put any money on it.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Cars and Trucks suck.......

So, near as I can tell for now the ROver is dead, it would be a samll fortune to fix it, so I'm gonna hope I can buy a Honda and live the lil life for a while. I thought I was gonna restore my Mom's '64 Beetle but even shje thinks that would be a bad idea right now.

I have to admit right now, getting ready for a resotre would be dumb, but it would be a sweet ride.

I think I'm going to garage the Rover and buy a Honda. . Nice huh ?

I'm so depressed, but I can't buy a pistol. But it would appear I can buy a car. Odd but somehow American.

So I'll do my proper duty and go into more car debt again.

FCrap I liked owning a car without payments.


Sprint and sucking

Ok so SPrint has shut off my service.

So if you have by any chance been trying to reach me, well you can't and since I have absolutlety no chance, of gettin gin touch with anyone, it's only a matter o ftime before they shut off internet

So peace, be well and do better than I have.

much Love Harry

Thursday, October 13, 2005

News, of sorts

Well it looks like I'll be getting full time (i.e. 40 Hours) at Jeffco. Which is great.

The downside is the Rover dead as a doornail, so I may have to find a way to buy a more economical car.

To get the fuel pump and such replaced will be a small fortune, and I simply can't afford it.

Plus I can't seem to find financing, cuz, well I'm technically bankrupt.

So this will be interesting trick. See if I can pull it off.

But everyone else out there have a nice day.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

OK So I was down....

Sorry, r an out of funds, but thsanks to micro we are back on the air........

Will write soon,
