He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Life and a Bush of Ghosts

OK, so Roswell kicked over an entire tray of mini screwdrivers today.

That was the begininng of my day. And that wa at 4 am which will make anyone happy.

Then there was the calls from Fortress, who I used to work for.... looking for information that I told them I would no longer give for free since they sent me free.

I''m going to walk to Taco Bell and eat,which is suicide in a bag, and then go back back to fucking with Windows. Fun huh ?

Glad you think so, persoanally I'm finding it to be hell.

I have to find a life. ANd this ain't it, but neither is New England. so herer I sit on a PC, trying my hardest not to cringe at every keystroke.

My eyes burn,my head hurts, why can'tI just lie down and die ?

This is isimply torture. I should just go back to drinking. at least then I'd have an excuse.

I'm sick of this shit, plain and simple, and will soon lose my mind.

I'm amazed I haven't yet, but there is some sort of force that keeps metrue, which is wierd, even to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your life is what you make of it and if you're eating taco bell, expect a lot of shit in the next 24 hours ;)

Okay, I admit it, that was a really bad joke, even for me!

Seriously though, drinking isn't an excuse for anything. Drinking is a means to an end... a really BAD end. You're too great of a person to end badly.

No, your fate my friend, is destined to be the result of smoke inhalation after saving 20 cats from a burning building... well that or on the edge of an empirical light saber in a duel against the dark side.

Either way, it will be righteous end to a suitable warrior. But one thing is for certain, it will be long past my end of days. So try not to be in such a rush.


Thu Nov 10, 01:33:00 AM

Blogger Harry said...

Actually I can't afford Taco Bell so I just wander by while I wait for the bus.

It smells good though......

Thu Nov 10, 05:56:00 AM


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