He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Went and saw the Samples a fewnights ago, and frealized they are probabably the best band in the world.

They naileddown thoughts I have had for years, while also being a great band.

It takes alot of work to impress me at at a Live show, but the two times I've seen the Samples here in Boulder, I've been amazed.

It was amazing to hear their sound,and to just be there.

Iknow noone wants tohear about this, but I had to bring it up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know if you saw this, as I had it below one of your other posts:

Yo Brown!

Check this out:




Send me an email if you don't have the funds, and I'll PayPal them to you.


Wed Nov 09, 01:50:00 PM


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