He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, December 03, 2005

All the young dudes......

There's a funny gap in one's life.It's tied close to what you have to swallow.....

I sat out in the cold last night and played bass fin the snow for 3 hours, Makes an intereresting night.

Give me my damn hard drive and stop playing with boys. I can take only so much before I lose sense and start the fight. Even I don't want that. I carry a sword now. it makes me odd, but interesting.

I found Earl Slick to be one of the most upriright guys I now know, He and Tom Waits, wierd, i spent time with Leo Cotke he remembered Karen but couldn't stand me. Big surprise, I can''t stand me.
5666 there's a cat here who matters. Shec cares's but breathes funny. I ho[r she does


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