He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just when I thought I all the bases covered.....

Aftr adonizing for 3 days, I went to the local "free" clinic, amd ofund out the pain in my hand is probably Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

This means not a lot to many people, but when you work in the business I do....

It's the stake throuh the heart, delivered, not by Buffy but her wickcked stepsister, Matilda (Nothing against Matilda's out there...)

Ther's no way to know for sure, except, get this, "if the pain persists for 4 or 5 more days, while not using the hand (try eating Ramen with the opposite hand you are used to) then it's probably CPS...."

I couldn't buy a break with a stolen credit card.....

So I pologize for the messy (or messier than usual) typing. That all the news from the front that's fit to be read,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez, are you palms growing hair too?

Let me know, I am a medical guy.


Thu Dec 08, 09:15:00 AM


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