He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tis the Season........


Some of you have actually been crazy enough to ask I want for Cristmas.

First let me say I expect nothimg. Maybe some coal.

Most have already given to this somewhat lost casue.

But if you still find the need, in order of prererence:

1 - Gas Cards (Just not Mobil. I can't seem to find much but BP out here. Maybe there's a Mobil affilate I don't het tp buy very often.

2 - Phone Cards

3 - Help with my SprintPCS acccount, I don't know if they sell gift cards or not.

4 - Triple A batteres for my wireless sensor, it eats them like crazy, but it's missing at the moment, so these fall to the botttom.

All that said, those are just thimgs that are safe, And help find a job. But nothing but well wishes is good too. I now I haven't been much fun, and I'm sorry. I'm workng on it, I really am.

Best Wishes,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep on keepin on, you'll survive.
I am missing the Nashua Christmas shop run. I don;t miss the Pamela Christmas shop run...
Dickerino Romano

Tue Dec 06, 09:50:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooohhh, Pamela....

Tue Dec 06, 12:26:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sworn to secrecy and I wouldn't doubt that she lurks here.
What hapens at the Chestnut Hill Mall stays on Memorial Drive.

dee key

Wed Dec 07, 01:01:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And having said that, I didn't 'score' or anything nor do I want to imply that I did.

But I she did punch me.

Wed Dec 07, 04:25:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

Im not alloed as a emplee of the boyne to ssy muchb fut was fruiily snd involved a PhD,

Nuff said, tis the season....


Wed Dec 07, 06:35:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw you guys. She plucked her eyebrows. You guys go ooohhh, and now I pluck my eyebrows, 'cos it takes that (plus), it becomes a de facto norm.

It changes the entire culture, a bit at a time. How soon until your daughter is wearing fishnet stockings to her junior high school dance? Will fathers go Doh! ? But you can't put that genie back in the bottle. You have to change it from YOUR side too, culturally. I bet the institution of marriage was invented by fathers of daughters. Otherwise, who’d care?

Miss Teree Girl

Who more or less likes her eyebrows natural-like. And wouldn’t mind a culture where women didn’t have to shave under their arms unless they wanted to. Just musing, like you all, on what “Pamela” represents. And yet, wants to be as sexy as she wants to be when she wants to be.

Tue Dec 13, 05:02:00 AM


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