He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, December 08, 2005

That's the way the cookie crumbles...

Well it's official, I'm completely broke. I just spent my last 37 cents on a can of tuna for me and the cats to split.

The only good news is weak, but it may not be carple tunnel but just arthritis. Yipee !! and I can't take anything for arthritis because of my liver.

Which by the way isn't being beat up btw, I stopped drinking about a day and a half after I started again.

Talked to two recruiters today, they pretyy much it's hopelesss trying to get work right now. Wait til January, when my address will be 101 Skid Row.

As for Dave's good suggestion about working at a resort, called around, most start hiring in June, and have all positions filled by August, Plus even to run a cash register you need a physical, and I was told by Keystone and Copper they wouldn't take me with my back.

Circuit City let me fill out an application, then said expect no word til after the holidays.

So... that was my dayI was up all night in pain from my hand, I think even if I had a gun I couldn't pull the damn trigger.

Cheers and all that rot, I'm going to make Ice. It's all I have ingredients for.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep doing the footwork, itll pay off. Youre doing the right thing.

Fri Dec 09, 11:42:00 AM


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