He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


OK I've discovered that a 3 lb sledge doesn't fix a Dell

But it's funny.

But now I can't seem to play swg,

But that''s no surprise, The damn Dell is f^&*'d and I'm tired of it,

Anyone have a harddrive ?


Monday, February 27, 2006

The Girl Who Tried to Save the World

It's odd I consider marla a friend. I nvere met the girl, never talked to her, and honstly, never had tea or Coffee with her, but I did one thing, I belived in her cause, and followed her as beast as I could around the world, with the hope she would pu;; off her goal.

That goal was to make sense of this stupidity that is what we live with on CNN and daily news everyday,

Don't get me wrong, I am as patriotic as many, but I simply do not believe in killing people for no reason.

I appreciatre the guys and girls who work VERY hard to keep us safe, They may be led by Imbeciles , but the are doing one hell of a job in a truly ugly situation.

Marla was different, she played on the razors edge, she tried to beat the system and lost. But she deserves credit for giving it the most amazing effort I ever heard about.

I followed her closely, and learned the tenacity of her belief.

Put, quite simply, she kicked ass and took naes, while being one of the most subtle individuals in the war zone.

I love the girl dearly, and wish there were more people like her among us,

I wouldn't be brave enough to do what Marla did, and I wish I could shake her hand or hug her now, but alas, that is impossible.

Want to learn something of courage ? read it here:


I Love You Marla, the world needs more like you,


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Amps, Ants and Probation....

So just for giggles, my Amp has blown one side (right) and I can't disablble just the right channel or it over powers the others side,
I suppose I COULD rip it out of the rack and send it for repair, but....

Well I have no money. or any variation thereof....

So I stare at blinking lights, and look back fondly to the days when we had JVC boomboxes and such.

When you didn't reqire 3 amps and a control module to listen to music.

But then I just overcrank the sucker and call it distortion..... :P

Drives the neighbors crazy......... But, they are crazy already.

Or I am, I can't remember the score.

Roswell is on collar #3 I think I can write him off as an expense.

By the way, if you do it with the proper rock salt and caroway, the Arby's Roast Beef auJus sammich makes a close equivelent to Beef on Weck, but don't tell Karen, she knows better.

And she's likely to slug you. And last I checked, that isn't covered on yer med plan.

Here in tropical Boulder we are at -20, but it should only feel like -32 outdoors, so you have that going for you.And them of us what be convicts, get to shovel walks and all. It's a good life after all.

I can't remember if it'sFriday or Saturday, so have a nice weekend,


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Seamonkey and other fun,,,,

If you haven't noticed, the girls and boys at Mozilla haven't been relaxing with Firefox and have noe released SeaMonkey, which I have found to even faster than both Firefox and Camino and has a heck of s lot more fearures it's at 1.0 and can be downloaded at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/

I dig it because I've been using Mozilla for email for a long time, having had many issues with Thunderbird, and still refusing to run any Microsquish products on my iBook,

This is really a nice transition foe the Mozilla crew, it's well done and frankly, very slick and quick.

I'm living on it now, and it works very well. But like any cutting rdge browser, it takes a little getting used to but try it out. It came in with no fan fare but is pretty slick.



Since I am now foreced to use use older "iron" I'm impressed at the compatibility as a whole. This is truly a browser worth keeping on your machine,

But for those who must toe the proverbial line, have fun with Explorer, it'll always provided you with the excitement of driving with bald tires on an oil drenced highway .... naked.



Thursday, February 02, 2006

More fun with Dick and Jane

Well, a lot of folks have voiced private concerns about me being incommundicado. Sorry but the folks at Comcast had a major outage in this area, and that also removed my ability to get wireless.

I'm OK, but still barely hanging in there. I don't sleep, and I rarely can make up for that and do the right things, like eating from the food pyramid, instead, I eat pasta, and flake out in front of the mind vacuum. (TV)

I'm getting in better shape from riding my bike everywhere, but My back is killing me, probably from hitting a curb in the dark.

I'm now trying to just keep my expenditures to the bare minimum, and sell more stuff, if I can find any.

I hope everyone else who is still reading is doing well, and someday soon I hope to report good news for a change.

THank you all for sticking with me, I guess it's a little too late to say it has helped me get through rough days and times, but I do appreciate the care.