He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, February 02, 2006

More fun with Dick and Jane

Well, a lot of folks have voiced private concerns about me being incommundicado. Sorry but the folks at Comcast had a major outage in this area, and that also removed my ability to get wireless.

I'm OK, but still barely hanging in there. I don't sleep, and I rarely can make up for that and do the right things, like eating from the food pyramid, instead, I eat pasta, and flake out in front of the mind vacuum. (TV)

I'm getting in better shape from riding my bike everywhere, but My back is killing me, probably from hitting a curb in the dark.

I'm now trying to just keep my expenditures to the bare minimum, and sell more stuff, if I can find any.

I hope everyone else who is still reading is doing well, and someday soon I hope to report good news for a change.

THank you all for sticking with me, I guess it's a little too late to say it has helped me get through rough days and times, but I do appreciate the care.



Blogger DIckie said...

who the hell is Jane?

Thu Feb 02, 10:25:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

His right hand?

Thu Feb 02, 04:06:00 PM


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