He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Enough is Enuf...


No more blogging about my DUI or jail time,

If you want to comment send me direct email at : hbrown@knowmads.com

I feel like hell putting what I have publicly, but I thought it was the right thing to do. Instead, it's turned into an ugly mess that makes many of us uncomfortable.

THAT was never the intent of me having a Blog. I realize it all that right now, but I know of no other easy way to communicate with all, without spending days on email.

Everyone knows my email as above, You got a persnal comment, send it there, we'll chat. Until then, this blog is going back to day to day stuff.

Savannah coughed up a huge hairball this morning on my blanket, then settled, and Roswell manages to find a reason to fight with the neibor's cat yet again.

He's part siamese and beautiful, I wish they would get along. But It's not to be,




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, ya know, there will always be people who think they know what's right, and what you should do, but only you can know what's right for you. The trick is being honest with yourself, finding your own truth, and then sticking by it.

And those who may seem harsh, or angry with you... it's only because they care. It they didn't care about what happens to you, they wouldn't bother reading your blog, never mind commenting. They just want to see things improve for you, and they feel just as helpless about the situation as you do. It's frustrating, and no one reacts well to such situations.

My only advice is to be true to yourself. Understand what it is you really want from life, and then map out a way to get there. I'm not saying it will be easy, things that are worth having are never easily obtained... but they are a goal, once reached, that is more satisfying than anything else in the world.

Be well, my friend. I think you know who I am. *hugs*

Tue Jan 17, 09:31:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Tue Jan 17, 10:34:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

People slow down to look at accidents.

I'm waiting for the piano to fall on my head.

But I said this blog isn't for this, and it is'nt

I don't know how long I'm gpoing to last. but try amd have some sort of faith on me.


I get to see you all in hell, except ,maybe 2 I can think of.

Don't lose sleep , it ain't you.

Tue Jan 17, 11:01:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the piano already fell on your head. Now you just have to get out from under it. You know where to reach me if you want to talk.

Wed Jan 18, 07:34:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dog turd beats you cat hairball.

Wed Jan 18, 10:43:00 AM


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