He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Serenity Take two and news

I got to see Serenity tonight.

McDonalds of all places rents DVDs for one dollar a night, and with a little pocket change I might be able to pay for it.

If you are a Firefly fan, it's great. If not, you probably won't get it which is too bad.

Anyone who wants to borrow my Firefly box set (Which Micro was nice enough to buy me) I'll lend. But I want it back.

Proabably the best Sci Fi I've seen in years, but then remember I liked Waterworld.......

Things here are going smoothly, but stupidly. I have to run through hoops everyday. I was told today if I do not make myself available to the legal system with a phone, at any time, I will be brreaching probation.

They do not seem to understand that by not having a real job and trying to pay for a cel phone, and no real means to travel, that is impossible, but I persevere.

Soon, I will falter, and then fail to meet a commitment, and violate my probation, there is really no other answer.

I spent my last 2 dollars yesterday , no wait day before, riding the bus to a breath test, so i HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO NEXT TIME IT SNOWS.(Sorry keybord is still screwed up thanks to Roz and Iced Tea)

I sold all my YES cds today to make to testing. Now I have to figure out what to unload next. Books aren't selling well, if you are looking for anything old sci-fi / Fantasy let me know. Other wise they are getting dumpstered.

Sorry I haven't written in a while, but, well frankly it's all bad news.

Don't get tangled in the system. It sucks.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thik I asked you this before, you want my old mac keyboard?

Wed Jan 25, 03:21:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've lurked enough. Here it comes ... !

Stand up for your damn self. Get up.

You messed up. Ya think?

We all have set backs. We don't all crawl into a hole and wallow in our own self pity. Most of us don't rely on the kindness of friends to exist.

You can crawl back down that hole, but if you do, the ICU will be waiting. Can you remember Beth Isreal? That's the French F***ing Riviera compared to prison.

Think about your cats, will ya? Who is going to take care of them?

We can't help you get your Mojo back.

You gotta do it.

By the way, Coffee doesn't rot your liver and burn a bleeding hole in your gut.

Have a nice day!

Wed Jan 25, 09:21:00 PM


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