He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, December 30, 2005

Clarification revisited....

Ok I've been asked to explain, with what has happened how money thet was kindly donated to me & the cats, how it wasn't spent on Liquor.

Ok There may have been the first drink that came out of my funds, but everything after that was picked up by the pool team I play for, and I won the final game. I was dumb and kept accepting "victory dance" shots.

The team won $500.00 for the championship.

Now, that said a good deal of the money I got went into fines and such to get my useless ass out of jail. So I guess technically, I did wrong, but if I didn't get out of jail, the cats would have to find new homes, and frankly, short of 2 or 3 friends, they are the only things I care about.

Pete was kind enough to take the chance of getting in trouble with his landlord by coming and getting them, and trying his hardest, while busy trying to get his own business running, to bail me out, but we just didn't have the assets necessary.

So, If you are upset at me for using what means I had to, let me know, I'll find a way to give you back what you put in.

I can't say it will be quick, I'm lucky enough to be out, and I'm loading in a band today at the Fox Theater, so I might actually have a few dollars, but rent is still a long way off. I'm working with my parents, and my lawyer to try and get some wiggle room, but it's an uphill fight, and frankly I was wrong, and I deserve everything that has happened to me.

Nuff said,

Back to you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said before... wrong crowd, wrong environment. A party atmosphere is the last place someone with a drinking problem needs to be. Anywhere that celebrates a victory with shots is going to be a bad place for you. I don't care how much winning the last game feels good. You need a place where people celebrate some other way... but that's just my opinion.

- a

Fri Dec 30, 10:50:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, what about the beer and the booze that was in your apartment? Where did that come from?


Fri Dec 30, 11:05:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

I refuse to divulge where that came from, because it would hurt someone who was in a state of, shall we say, state of obligatiom. to the state of Colorado.

I had to clean out an apartment, decided to keeep what I found, and yes, took advantage of the situation.

I also got a massive amout of steak, anf veggies.

Do I desrve a Darwin awrd ? Hell ya. I was an idiot, but I was living on nothing and it was just part of the deal. If I told you about the amouts of Meth I flushed and the amout of cleaning, I'd turn your hair my color.

nuff said, you can read between the lines.


Thu Jan 05, 07:02:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, here's the thing... I am no less annoyed that money went to pay bank fees and jail fees that if it went to buy beer, though certainly purchasing beer has much longer lasting implications. Not managing bank acocunts properly to avoid $200-300 in fees is a problem and a serious waste.
Taking beer and putting it in your apartment, regardless of where it came from is just barely short of playing Russian Rulette. And "I had to" is just so beneath an intelligent person... No, you didn't. You felt shitty, yes. Life has dealt you more than your share, yes. But you NEVER have to drink. Go out for a walk, go watch a movie, go have some coffee and have an intelligent conversation with someone there. Stay away from the freaking bar and pool hall.
Gift cards take a day or two to get there, but I don't think the insta PayPal thing will be done without a lot of thought anymore.

Thu Jan 05, 01:49:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And "I had to" is just so beneath an intelligent person... No, you didn't."

Actually yes he did, I went through a million 'I aint gonna drink this times' and failed every time. Nobody really knows what happened to me the last 6 months of my drinking, lets just say it was a rapid decline from being a mess to completely fucked- I dont wanna hear the 'I was worse than you' excuse. Its not gauged how much you drink, but what booze does to you. Drinking booze is the most natural thing for an alcoholic to do. Intelligence has nothing to do with the POWER booze has over real alkys. It is what we do. I dont drink anymore because I have put work into building up a defense and asked for help.
Rational recovery is a fucking oxymoron and CLEARLY it dosent work for a real alky. Telling the thoughts of a drink to 'go away because it is part of my lower intelligence' is a laughable. I tried it, I drank, and guess what, so did Harry. Frankly I am amazed he made it as long as he did (unless we aren;t getting the whole story). People who go into AA do drink, but there is a strong correlation between going to AA and drinking and being an baby about AA. If you want to drink, than fucking drink. If not, do something about it that works. I have been away for some time because this I have kids and school and shit I have to focus on.
I dont need to worry about a 42 year old man on top of it. Harry is a big boy and can make his own calls, no matter how fucked up and twisted you may think they are. Actually I think this public forum of his impending demise is kinda sick. I'm willing to help him if he decides he wants it. I will check in periodically to keep updated.
Sorry if I sound like a hardon HB, but, BELIEVE ME, I spent many months hating AA, but the thought of a drink scared the shit out of me, so I hung in there and it got better.
Your call, dude.

Mon Jan 09, 01:12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Actually yes he did, I went through a million 'I aint gonna drink this times' and failed every time... Drinking booze is the most natural thing for an alcoholic to do. "

As I said, I know nothing about this, other than it destroys people (and people I love, which stinks). So I will trust the opinion of someone who understands. It makes no sense to the rest of us, but so is life, about lots of things, not just this. So HB, go get some help. These folks know best.

"Actually I think this public forum of his impending demise is kinda sick."
I agree. I refrained from commenting until very recently, and have done so only in hopes the mass of voices together will get through, and because of repeated cries of "I am all alone out here" (paraphrasing) while mail and phones don't work. There are days when I can't take it, which explains my responses days later, sometimes. I think I shall stop as well, and hope for the best.

- a

Mon Jan 09, 06:28:00 PM


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