He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, December 30, 2005


I now have a huge pile of cat food that was paid for by contributors, They are very happy. NONE of that money went into anything except a small amout to get my cel phone running again, and getting my dumb ass out of jail* (see newer post)

Things aren't great, but are getting better, hopefully I'll get a job and be able to pay rent.

If anyone has a spare USB keyboard, let me know, this one got full of cranberry juice thanks to Roswell and no matter what I've tried I can't keep the keys from sticking. I've even tried straight denatured alcohol.

It sucks, and the one lonely USB 'board I have is the small one wit h no f Keys. And it usually is hooked to the laptop by the bed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please clarify soon, as I'm having a hard time believing that none of the money we sent you went towards liquor.

A lot of people have tried to help you, and you owe them an explaination. And please be honest.


Fri Dec 30, 01:43:00 PM


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