He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, December 09, 2005

Some Clarifications

Having so much to do yesterday, I spent some time rereading many of the comments in the blog, because it's obvious I've offended a number of people.

Let me first apologize if I offended anyone, There has not been one personWhas given me bad advice, I'm just raw, like a toothache, and everytime I hear something, it hurts, and I strike out.

There is no excuse it's just the way I've reacted, I'm sorry.

One message pointed out I shouldn't waste my money on Poker and put it into bills. I should have pointed out, I wasn't playing poker for money. It is a league, that I helped run, and would get a cut of the evening's tips. Same with the Pool and Dart league. I was a way of trying to pay the bills.

And there was a lot of tings that happened, but I left B&N because I was told I was getting 40 hours. A little warning before just sending a courier for my laptop, after they had used my personal laptop was for a year.

I'm not making excuses, I should have jumped right on it and found a new job, and perhaps even got rid of the ROver, but at that point, I owned the ROver outright, Even putting an Excort on the road would have meant another loan. Try and get one with a chapter 11 under your belt.

But all I wanted to say, to all of you, thank you.

Unfortunately, my penchant for procrastination, and breifly falling back on bad habits has left me in a place where I have no chance of survival.

I'm talking to recruiters, I'm talking to stores, but most are set for the retail world, and most of the recruiters say this is a bad time to try and get hired. People who hire are spending time with their family, and many companies are actually laying off for end of the year. Surprising to me, but I guess Scrooge is alive and well in the business world.

Also my damn neighbor borrowed and broke my printer, and I can't even afford to have Kinko's print me 10 resumes.

So assume all you want, there's no question I have made some bad decisions. But I truly am sorry if I offended anyone, you've been more than helpful.

I wish this was a post saying things are better, and I have a plan, but I'm mostly trying to move around when I can from possibilities for jobs, and repacking everything, so it's more organized when I have to move, because I will, I've thrown away quite a bit, but I still have too much stuff, and nothing is sellable.

Everyone have a nice weekend, sorry I've been such a snag.

Much Much,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hear, hear. "THEY (or WE as I like to say) also talk of some pretty cool promises- promises which came true for me".

Sat Dec 10, 08:44:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and thanks for the clarifications, but you don't need to do that for me, dude. Mucho Agapi for you.

Sat Dec 10, 08:46:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... thanks for the clarifications. I do worry. But it's still the wrong environment, in my opinion. But hey, that's just me.
I'd love to be able to say you don't need to explain yourself, which you don't, really, it's just hard to give some sort of useable advice with no knowledge of what's going on, and advice, and whatever cash we can part with is what we can do for you at this point.
Don't apologize to me, though. Just put your chin up and be the Harry I love -- the one that does care about our planet, that is smarter than most and that keeps on going when most would have given up.
I'll see what I can do about cat food...
Much love,

Mon Dec 12, 12:06:00 PM


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