He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, December 12, 2005

Scrooge is Dead..... Long Live the Furballs

Thank You Thank You Thank You

You know who you are, and if you want me to post who you are I will. But for sake of privacy, I will leave the wonderful saviors out of the blog.

Not that yyou haven't helped me enough by support and help previously, But the cats now eat, I actually eat, the car is back in the parking lot. And I might even be able to get a phone that works.

Here's a little proof of happiness from the lucky furballs:

Roz Real Füd

And The dumbest face from flash:

Savannah Real Füd

Now I will say Roswell did let me know very plainly, by filling a box of books with cat pee, about how happy he was about the whole Oatmeal and dirty cat box thing. But I guess that's just one way to get rid of a box or two. but phew, what a tremendous odor.....

I took someones good advice and picked up a $40.00 "pay as you go" phone (actually I got a great deal on a refurb phone for $19.95 and then a $20.00 Top Off card.

I won't be giving the number to anyone except recruiters and job prospects, so if you need it, get in touch with me direct and we can make an arrangement.

I got some pasta, and a 2Fer on bagged salad and some bread, so I'm not just eating sodium.

I'm still sort of wondering what will happen come the 1st, but this relieves some pressure.

As I said, I'll be happy to give credit where credit is due, but I respect your privacy, and tryly appreciate your generosity. I'll try and make it up to each and every one of you.

Much love, purring and hopefully clear air soon,

Roswell, Savannah & Hairball


Anonymous Anonymous said...

post! post! post! post!

Wed Dec 21, 05:21:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will there be a post?

Mon Dec 26, 05:14:00 PM


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