He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tons of fun, Happy Holidays

Ok, there is a post coming explaining all the details of the fun I had.

It'd just taking me a while to make sure I don't offend evryone. I'm going to offend many of you, but I hope not everyone.

All my possible phones are dead again, I'm using a Virgin Mobile pay per use phone, but I can only buy minutes in $20.00 segments.

And I can't seem to get that much together with havingto travel by bus, and paying $3.00 a day for breath tests.

Needless to say, i fucked up, details to follow.

If anyone see's Virgin Mobile cards for sale anywhere, please let me know, every once in a while they run a promo and put them on sale.

I'm not giving the number out, but if you REALLY need to reach me send an email and I'll provide it, it's just too expensive.

Cheers, Hairball


Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's your blog. Don't worry about offending people.


Wed Dec 28, 10:01:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the cat food telethon money went to your partying?
That would piss me off. Kinda like a got lied to and bent over and got it shoved up my ass.

Fri Dec 30, 08:12:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was Dickie btw. I will wait for your story before I decide if I did get swindled or not.

Fri Dec 30, 08:13:00 AM


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