He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, January 13, 2006


The "Serenity" Movie (Joss Wheaton's "Firefly" movie) somehow slipped past everyone, and is now out on DVD. If anyone has a copy and would like to lend it to me I'd appreciate it.

I'd just buy it myself normally, but, well, I can't.

I appreciate everyone's comments, but they are getting a little harse, and frankly, have caused me more anxiety in a time I don't need it than neccessary. I'm sorry if I seem "snobbish" or stuck up" about it, but as somones mother used to say:"If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. "

And get off the religious friggin bent on RR Dickie, what works for one person may not work for another. There is a simple theory in the addiction thing, and that is what works for you, to keep from it, then use it. Just because AA is known worldwide, and is the be all and stand by all standard, doesn't mean it's right for everyone.

I for one, can't tolerate parts of it, or I wouldn't be where I am today. Sitting in a room full of people waiting for a break to go smoke and drink more coffee doesn't work for me.

a. I don't smoke

b. I don't have a coffee addiction replacing my other addictions

Show me a church on a week night with a bunch of smokers outside, and I'll show you an AA meeting.

What works for one may not work for another. I didn't "fall of the wagon" because I had to, I did so because it worked at time. This "Holier than though" crap has got to stop before you'll ever see me listening to yet another tale of relapse. Now I'm facing the time, and looking at the way I'm getting the proverbial book thown at me, I'm going to suffer. Did all my nicely colored coins help me in any way ?

I couldn't even keep them in jail.

Bitter, ugly, and a jerk ? You bet I am, the whole thing is a disaster, likely to be the end of me.

I'm glad it works for some, so does religion, but you won't convince me just because it is popular. So does Windows over the Mac or Linux, but frankly, it sucks.

Use what you have to.... If it wasn't for my health, I'd be sipping a Gin and Tonic right now, but I simply can't. So that is what works for me. Yeah, I slipped (and fell) and for that I will pay, and may not be able to pay, and may just say "F^&*k it" but you know what ?

I refuse to be made part of a cult for a habit I developed on my own.

People have been kind, and people have been crass. Know what ? I hope you never have to go through what I did.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

My coffee addiction never got me arrested. Yet. It just makes me jittery and I have to piss a lot. I hope that things get better for you.


Fri Jan 13, 11:32:00 AM

Blogger Harry said...

True, I'll remember that next time I'm scrambling and bumming bus fare for my twice daily Breathalizer tests that blow zero and cost me $5.00 a pop.

As for the haircut and barber comment, last I checked they don't run semi pro pool leagues at Chuckee Cheez.

Just like I refuse to let alchohol run my life, I also refuse sobriety to deny me thing I wish to do.

If just being in the vicinity of alchohol is a problem for someone, they have a bigger problem than I do.

I made mistake. Once a year I manage to go to church for Christmas, That doesn't make me a religous person.

Some people think they are, but that's another thread.


Fri Jan 13, 02:02:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to put you on the defensive, that's not what you need right now.
I left my halo in the shitter. And true, RR may work for some and I shouldn't knock it. All I know is that when my mouth went dry and the room spun and I wanted to crawl out of my skin because the here and now was too uncomfortable to handle, the ideas from RR didn't help me. I HAD to have a drink.
I hope you find what works for you and get into a happy groove. It is attainable and worth it.
For the record, I dont smoke, I have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and I can be around booze all I want- no problems. (btw- those chain smoking coffee addicts are some the coolest motherpussbuckets I've ever met). I dont go to bars because (now this is a BIG shift in my mojo-juju-whatever) I think drunk people are annoying. My fire station has a full fledged bar (kinda reminds of Buff's- dark, brown wood everywhere, cozy) in the basement. And it kicks ass as manly drinking places go. I go and say hi to my brothers and have a root beer and leave. On sundays I watch football because I don't get local channels. No biggie.
Peace out my borther from another mother.
Richard Wylie

Fri Jan 13, 08:24:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

//Just like I refuse to let alchohol run my life, I also refuse sobriety to deny me thing I wish to do. //

Sobriety has let me do things I never thought I could and has never denied me anything that I really wanted to do. I've been to weddings (including my own), deaths in my family (irish wakes), wrap parties (all VERY open bar) and stayed sober. I've also traveled half way around the world. I've drank soda that the bar that invented the Mai Tai and just enjoyed the sunset. I just don't drink the first drink. It's a simple program for complicated people and you, my friend, are pretty fucking complicated. I mean that in the kindest sense.

As for wanting to have a gin and tonic "right now"- there have been times in the last 8 years that a g&t would have been tasty, but I "think through" the drink. Where does that one drink take me? To another and another. Ultimately, I'm either dead, in jail or in some sort of institution. So I don't drink the first drink. That's just me. It's the way I play. So far, it's worked. It can work for you too, if you give it a chance and put a little effort in.

Give it another try- you're worth it. Do it the way that they tell you- they've done it and can show you how. Try not to get in your own way. It's you that drinks the first drink, not anyone or anything else.


Sat Jan 14, 10:29:00 AM


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