He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Smelly Cat

Ok first I want to apologize to anyone who felt swindled. (be forwarned I have a keyboard full of Iced Tea)

The cash went to foood and cat food, Maye 3.75 or so to a beer or drink.

The fines from jail cost a small fortune. Sorry. Want any of my hardware that's left or CD's claim em now.

I'mtrying very hard to be a good boy, but it's tough, I stare at the ceiling and wonder why bother.

Now, a lot of questions have been raised, so I'll try to address them.

1 - I didn'tspend any more than $5.00 on drinks.

2- yes I DID drink, I HAD to, you wouldn't understand unless you were in in my place. Sorry. Fell free to make judgements and postem. I know what I di was wrong, but life isn't real fair. I didn't take the approach I could have.

3 - I somehow missed looking at other peoples blogs. I'm sorry. I spent tonight / this morning catching up.Expecting someone to read your blog and then not reading theirs is unfair.

I'm a little concerned that Dano's has a comment from a guy that is so into Elisha Cuthbert, but hey what do I know ? I don't even have a TV.

Dickies is great, but the poo pix and story need to disappear. :) Who's the cat, he/she looks just like Svannah.

Anyway, I have snow and cold cats here, I have to run.

For those who care, I'm a decent Jedi now.

Doesn't mean shite, but it's a goal.

Nerf Herder


Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you are ever again thinking "why bother", why not do it for us? We're here, we care, and we suffer with you. We try to help the best ways we can, but sometimes it's just moral support. But we all care what happens to you, and when you give up, or when you are having problems, it hurts us a lot.

You can also do it for the cats. They spent a couple of nights outside before Pete and Beth rescued them. Imagine what would happen to them if you weren't around?

That's just 2 reasons, but there are many more. I know how much you like going to the meetings, but that might be a good place to get things off your chest. You need to do something, and drinking has caused everything bad in your life. You need to work on this first, or nothing will ever get better.


Thu Jan 05, 11:12:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to send Les Ferlazzo over to your house and have him scream "Rally- Rally- Harry!!" at you, just like he did to Joe at the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Screening Room. Would that work for you? Seriously. Wake up. It sucks, but it's not that bad. You have people who care about you. There are lots of people that don't even have that. At the end of my drinking, I was in very rough shape and I definately had the "why bother" mentality, but there is hope.

I've been holding back in the ADVICE DEPARTMENT, but here I go:
Don't drink the first drink. Go to a meeting. Get a sponsor that you can go to a meeting with. Ask for HELP (from another person, God, THE FORCE, or whatever). Get involved in your recovery. Volunteer to make coffee. Help clean up at the end fo the meeting. You'll probably meet some cool people that way. Go to all types of meetings: speaker, open discussion, step, big book and most importantly- beginner meetings. Get to the meeting early. Sit up front. Say hi to the person next to you. Stay after the meeting and talk to someone. Eat the free cookies. Ask for a free book. Get a free "24 hour chip". Get a "temporary" sponsor, preferably a male. You know what I'm talking about?

Sobriety and happiness aren't handed to anyone on a silver platter. You have to work at it. I had a really hard time at first, but I got through it with a sponsor and other sober friends. You can too. It was suggested that I go to 90 meetings in 90 days to form a solid "foundation". I did and it was the best thing that I could have done. I would suggest that you do the same.

AA is not a job referral service, but I did get my first sober job from a guy that I met at a meeting. He had hired a bunch of guys through the years and I was grateful to have a job. Let other sober people in your community know what you're going through. There is help out there. Any job should do for now (that doesn't include bartending, etc...). Just make some money and stay out of trouble.

So, you can't get drunk if you don't take the first drink and the best defense against the first drink is right around the corner in the basement of some weird smelling parish hall. Let me know how it goes.


Thu Jan 05, 10:22:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Harry, listen up! Brendan and Micro have great wisdom. I've said before, and I will always say... you have a great group of friends. Some are a bit more annoyed than others, probably directly related to how many times they've come to your rescue... "I had to" (drink) is not even worthy of consideration as an excuse to those of us who care about you. No, you don't. No, you didn't. Bringing anything alcoholic into your apartment is suicide, regardless of whether you can or not afford a bullet.

I know nothing of AA meetings, but Brendan seems to. Go do it. Stop messing around. You've run out of time. Your body is really not invincible, regardless of how resilient it has been. It's a drag, but it will save you.

- a

Mon Jan 09, 01:10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, the cat in the pic is either Kato, Kleo, or Koko. They are awesome. I liked the poop story and anyone who has had a large dog will pee themselves. I do get bored sometimes...
Better than the alternative.

Mon Jan 09, 03:27:00 PM


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