He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, March 27, 2006

Thanks.... there is a good thing about to happen....

I want to thank Caroline for setting me up with a new keyboard. And frankly a very cool one.

She's also about to give more life to the world. And I would like all of you to back her up in this endevour, I'm not brave enough, but she is, and near as I can tell she will be a a grrl, and probably tough as nails.

I have faith that the mark is there for a great child, I have never been brave enough, but them what have the bravery, have done well, so more power to her, and I have a respect for doing so.

My love goes out for the generosity, but also the bravery.

If there's any way, I can help, I will.



Friday, March 24, 2006

New Who....

Most of you know I hate TV, But the ew Dr,Who on SciFi is worth looking at,

Just my thoughts,,


Sunday, March 19, 2006


I Just sent the last 4 days in tje hospital with massive inernal blood loss all ovr again. Now, before it start, i'm noy looking for the sympathyboat,

But I couldn'g get word out with NG tubes in, Ask dickie how "fun" they are,

All I wanted was to try a re-try and start the network, so,of course if wierd and folks need help.

I've oissed a lot folks off, but keep eye on each other's back's


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Corn Dogs....

It would appear I have insulted more people that I thought,

I never meant to hurt people who I know havve walked the walk, and done the distanse.

You know who you are, and know what you have done.....

If I could have been there, I would have put on gloves and wrung the winch out without repent, But I wasn't... sorry,

I hate not being able to help. But I have tugged vehicles back on the road, I just don't claim em, because, well most insurance will go after you for that.

Here I am, dropping the "dime" on myself, but I'll take it if I can help someone else.

By the way, if you ever get stuck, you'll be be glad there are dickheads like me.

Hairball, and btw Hail the Firemen out there like Dickie.

Monday, March 13, 2006

do I smell home cooking... ?

There's something odd that happens with Blogs.... and that, near as I can tell is when thy get out of sync. I never, ever meamt to offent anyone, but I will always state my feelings, my aplogies to Dickie and others, I seemed to have brokken my own rule, and that was never the intent.


Didn't mean it,


Just Stuff...

I have trieied really hard to hold my own but there seems to be camp that wants me to fight.

So here'e first strike.

Screw you, when I am ready. you'll wish it never happened.,,, and it isn't the usual culprits .

thems of you who have faith i know and trust faithfully, and if I have caused fault I apolagize, and also sorry for the world's worst spelling,

Will be fixed soon, I hope.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Harry Potter....

So when did the cast of Potter get all stylized and 90210 ?

My word they all look like rock stars.

Now I knew this was going to be pontential, but I really hoped not.

But the amount of hair alone blows the mind.

Just my opinion.

I'm losing my sight, so a pair of round glasses are probably in my future, but the boy has hair and I do not.

BTW - Chefs For Humanity deserve more credit than they got. They turned out 5000 meals a day, and I know there are a couple people who understand that, but for those of you who don't know an emergeny situation, understand only an accident scene, But these folks worked REALLY hard, as volunteer's.

I know I do not have any claims to fame, but I still think they deserve credit when credit is due.

I sent a carton box of Ramen, yeah it sux, but food being food. But I can't claim what I've seen for New Orleans. Play the game, I'm friggin broke, but will never leave people hanging.

Sorry to preach,

I'm sick, and would appear tired. Or a Vampire.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Apocalyse Bunnie oddness

Ok, here's an odd one,
I finnd a stuffed bunny, ok I can hear the giggles from here.

But h/e she or or it ,was dropped in a parking lot.

Guess what I've paid for it,


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Spring ?

Here's some pictures from tonight:


You have to rememember I haven't seen daylight in a long while , so it may be a while before I post.


Umm by the way... when did looking at video on cel phones become desirable ? Crap, the songs were bad enouugh.


We've lost technology for technologies sake. Make a better battery, then, do the Madonna or belly button (paste you name her here...) pierced , video and give us all a break.

and by the way I like Madonna



Worst movie ever... but Mesa rd,

Just so you know,...probably the worst movie ever,,,

But it was filmed in Zion, and they threw a car off the road, so if you have been there it's a hoot

Otherwise it's a complete waste of time . some of know better,.

Monday, March 06, 2006


How does Arizona Tea get away with calling Blue berry Iced tea a White tea ?

This is what happens when you are shopping for cool beverages for the freak when the freak has become a vampire, you get rather limited convienent stores.

But you do get to meet some very interesting people.

Especially with a bald head, it seems every owner of a shop expects you rob him/her, I don't even bother to carry a basic knife anymore, someone will go code orange or whatever the new color of the day is and drop me me like a sack of hammers.

Trying very hard to wrap my head around a couple String Cheese Incident CD's that were given to me, It't odd but , but they seem to work for better than the Dead, well except for some old Dead. :)

Need any hardware ? Ask away, I appear to be on the living on the street mode and I have a lot of gear, You grab it, you haul it.

I'm a little tired of this vampiric lifestyle, But I can't think of any other way to live, not now we are getting warm again, neighbors are a little wierdr out but the the guy with the Big black cat BBQing at 4 in the morning.

But hey, it's tough to be a meat eater and a Vampire,

Plus the kids (i.e cats ) have to eat, They have taught me how to sleep all day and stay up all night, Now if I could just get a graveyard shift somewhere.....

Actually, truth be told, I think I taught them that. But it's supposed to be a cat's life.

I've discovered you can, if carefully, leave the windows open for the the cats to come and as they pease, but, it being spring (sort of) thet sometimes come back with surprises, Roswell as written earlier brough home rather deadly variety of friend, Savannh mostly brings rodents.
But She's a bengal, so I can't ge too upset, but it's hard, being the softy I am.

I think that is possible that SCI are a better jam band than the Dead, and even Phish, but it's very early her, and I am making breakfast so I be inpressed by the food.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Scorpions.... And Tablets

OK I know I live in the west, but isn't it still supposed to be cold enough not to shake out yer (that's an eastern term for Your) shoes getting up in the morning ?

I found a scorpion on Roswell this morning, which for Roz could have sucked, but he happens to stand guard of me (i.e sleeps next to my head) while I sleep.

On the rare occasion I do sleep, it would be a comfort to know there wasn't a scorpion close to my head.

No Dickie, not the rock band. They would be welcome as long as they stayed to their side of the bed.

Anywho, when you reach into the vat of horrors I have, scopions are thae last dang thing you expect to find sleeping next to you. I've done a lot of Coyote Ugly, but this wasn't one of those.

I learned to get along with Black Widows, single housewives, and Turantula's in my past, but this scared the bejeezus out of me, and I've owned snakes, so it takes quite a bit.

Savannah wanted nothing to do with it, letting Roswell bypass her and head straight for the door. I assume the beast and other beast seperated at Roswells favorite dirt pit, because he came back clean.

Whay a black cat revels in rolling in dirt I don't know....

Onto the technical side, has anyone actually used a Tablet PC ?

I need opinions of whether it is real or not, and I no longer have the ability to keep buying PCs for obvious reasons.

I have a contract possibility, that may require laptops, but I'm thinking I want to play. And learn....

drop me an email if you have used one.


Friday, March 03, 2006

OK, even I have limits....

I want to beat the shite out of the Mozilla developers.

Who the hell decided to make profiles so hard to deal with on a Unix based platform ? Come on guys, this isn't that hard. Lord I coul do in linux on this damn box, come on, it's supposed to be a standard and not that hard.