He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Old hBlog - Anniversary(Sober), Indulgers and late night boulder eats

So I went and saw The Indulgers tonight. They were very good, but boy the place gets crowded fast with all the students back. They did an encore of Freebird.... Need I say more ?

They recently played a gig where they opened for The Lord of the Rings movie at Red Rocks...

Then I popped by Illegal Petes for a Burrito. You can eat real well in Boulder til about 2:30 am, some places til 6:00 a.m. Illegal Pete's is so far my favorite, but if you want to see a funny scene then Cosmo's pizza on University hill is great after last call.....

Today was my anniversary of not drinking, that's right one year, but who's counting ? So what do I do, but go see an Irish band with a female fiddle player that drinks tequila chased with diet coke. Those of you who are War for the Oaks fan will get the picture straight away, this town and this particular band sets the stage pretty well. The dancers and revellers in ribbons almost outnumber the colleges crowd on Indulger nights.

I hear Black 47 is going to be in the area soon as well, so I have to save my pennies.

So it looks like I got the job for the Jefferson School district. It's very part time and limited to 4 or 6 months but at least it's in my field ( if I have a field anymore...) Next week is going to be a very busy week, I couldn't get any B&N shifts covered and the new gig wants me 3 days... This leaves me with no days off til 2 weeks from now.

So I'm off to watch a little Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( Thanks again Micro..) and try and sleep do I can start all over at B&N tomorrow.



Thursday, August 26, 2004

Old HBlog - Rover Hell

Each morning I get up and try to look at the Flatirons and decide that, much like some of the spots I've seen in all my days on the mesa in Utah, that it must have been a truly awe inspiring feeling in the minds of people who had travelled all the way across great distances to finally say "fuck it, I'm stopping here."

It's wierd when you get to thinking that there aren't many, if any places on this planet we haven't seen. It's so passe that we take it for granted a great deal of the time.

But enough sophmoric bullocks, onto the kindergarten level pap you've grown used to....

I'm in a Catch 22 situation with the Rover, it took the trip a lot harder than I toriginally thought. This isn't due to limitations of the Rover, but my ignorance of judging a proper load for such a trip on a car with almost 150K miles and barely any real maintenance. (No matter what they tell you, changing the oil every 3000 miles is not enough to keep a car happy, healthy and long lasting.)

So far the diagnosis is the rear U-Joint is fried and about to go as well as in it's worn state causing a great deal of heat, (which it probably had most of the trip cross country) that has caused the actual drive train to warp, which in laymans terms means "very expensive".

And the brakes, which felt odd the whole trip but was attributed to the trailer and it's weight, have essentially worn grooves in the disks as well as warping them. So.... the calipers (I almost sound like I know what I'm talking about don't i ?) have been abused and the rear ones are leaking brake fluid , mostly on the disks, which causes the brakes not to, ummmmm, stop the car.

Therefore, the front brakes have been doing all the attempted stopping, and they were in rough shape anyway, because I had the tire come off in Newburyport and we landed on the Left hand disk, which in turn developed a weakness where it hit, which becomes the first spot to heat up, and then become the source of the front disk warping, which makes the right hand brake soley responsible for stopping the (rather heavy) truck.

Nice huh ? And all on pavement. One would think if I was going to do this much flippin damage to the car, I could at least get some mud or even dirt on it.

This leaves me at the moment without a car and a new job (more in a sec) that requires I drive to various locations... Thus my Catch 22.

I don't mean to be negative, but Opie, this sucks.

So it looks like I got the Contract to do a Mac OS9 to OS-X conversion for the Jefferson School district. And they are, oddly enough, finding a number of their established Windows users are very anxious to get on Mac OS-X instead of WIndows XP as well. Seems they are sick and tired of doing clean installs when their browsers start redirecting all their users to "Freakies' Farm Site" and sending all their address book members unsolicited email .

So this next week is going to, in many ways, be a real test of my sanity. They want me 3 days this week, and B&N doesn't want to change the schedule I'm on because it's drunkards, err I mean student, rush and we are very busy. So I have 40 hours there and then whatever I can fit in Jefferson, and I guess I better factor in some hitchhiking or something. They aren't exactly bike distance, maybe for Lance, but not this lump of flab.

My mechanic is trying to help out and cut some corners and postpone some repairs, but at this point the Nader would declare the Corvair safer than my car at any speed. And I have to get CO plates, license and inspection soon or I'll be talking to the man....

So.... that's the fun news from the back nine, hope all is well with all of you and yours, and I'll keep writing this as long as I can bear the server speed. I think I'm off to try another piece of XML editting with all my copius free time.

Off to feed the garden gnomes,


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Old hBlog - CU#9 / SUNY#1 Cheers

Well I'm back. I had to move a bunch of stuff around because I realized that having the serving engine for this thing on my laptop was folly, because it's not hooked up to the 'net to publish pages most of the time. There's a lot of places to get Interbet access here, but Radio likes to have a pretty solid connection to allow me to update via email and web clients.

Most of the CU students are back and settling in. It seems they were voted down to #9 from #1 in the Princeton Review's annual party school rankings. I'm sure my friends and (errr ?) family will be glad to hear that ranking as the big numero uno is SUNY - Albany. Quotes range from "I was pretty psyched to be #1, we'll have to do better this year. " to " Where the hell is SUNY-Albany anyway ?" and my favorite "I don't think it really did anything, I guess it was cool to tell your friends, but you don't want a rep like that if you're looking for a good job."

Judging from the activities this past weekend all I can say is the CU crue is well rested, in well-practiced, and a very promising contendor for that number one slot.....

SUNY-Albany also carried these honors:

REEFER MADNESS: Bard College - NY #1 SUNY #7 CU #16 (huh ?)
LOTS OF BEER: Washington and Lee Univ. VA #1 SUNY #9 CU #15

Well enough local bullocks.

The Rover is in the shop, near as we can tell that will be it's permanent home for a while. I can't afford the big guns, and the small guns are scratching their heads and playing with it when they have time.

So far no word on the contracting gig, but with the Rover in long term park, that may be a good thing. I guess it being a school and all, they are a tad bit busy getting ready for the new semester.

SO with that, I'm going to go saok my stubs that used to be feet and try to find something to feed the cats.



Thursday, August 19, 2004

Old hBlog - Denver, Roswell, the Cure

Went to Denver today. I think I will have a contract gig with a school district converting OS9 macs to OS-X. I'm excited and a little scared. It sounds like they may have already used someone that didn't work out, but I have some faith that I can turn this around if it's the case.

The Transit system here rocks ! I grabbed a 1:00 bus into Dnver and got to a 2:00 meeting. Not bad at all! And for all of $7.50 round trip.

So I finally got to see Denver again after about 15 years. Yeah it must be something like that. The place I interviewed in is about a block from the Hotel I stayed in, so it was kind of deja vu.

Neat stores still but the place where I almost bought a rovers coat 15 years ago is gone. Probably a good thing, but in weather like this the old oiled leather coat would be nice.

It's raining like madhouse here today the flooding is truly scary below some of the bridges. Traffic is trying to drive through 2 feet of water. Haven't really seenanyhting like that before, but I guess it's kind of expected here when it rains so hard. Essentially the storm is staying directly right over Denver.

I'm on the bus back right now, hope it's a little dryer in Boulder. And I hope the cat window hasn't flooded the Apt. if it is't.

Going to try and live sans cel phone but I may have to get one to work for this consulting company. Well I suppose it would be handy when the car gives up on me too......


Regardng my first post, and questions, no, I didn't declaw Roswell, he simply caught a claw in something and, close your eyes and try to think happy thoughts, ripped one out. Carpet cleaning is fun and even more fun in the heat with all the chemicals....
He's fine. And almost happy, if he could figure out how to get off the meager porch I have and then back again.

Just got back from the Cure show. Good but they don't do my favorite song, Primary, live anymore (big surpise) It was at the Coors Ampitheater, which is sort of like Great Woods errrrr... the Tweeter center.

Much like Great Woods it had a name, Fiddlers Green, but now It's sponsered by Coors. Second verse same as the first...

Tomorrow (errr today )I have to figure out how to get to and around Denver to meet with a recruiter. Hopefully some real work will come from it. Cross yer fingies for me.

Good Night / Good Morning


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Old hBlog - Stuff

Ok so this now has more than 1 reader, so welcome anyone to brave my typos and blabbering on and on.

I'm going to see the Cure tonight in Denver Beth got me a ticket for my Birthday, and I'm kind of excited to see a show (a big show) here.

Next month Pete and I are going to see the Red Rocks the Vote show at Red Rocks. Hunter S thompson is the EmmCee. Should be weird, and I hope fun. Govt Mule is playing as well as a number of other unannounced bands.

Well I'm off to the Post Office to mail some job applications out and buy some stamps.

Then I will cross my fingers and drive the Rover to Littleton hoping it won't blow up or do something else that sounds bad.

Tomorrow I have to brave Denver to talk to a recruiter who thinks they may have a MacOS to Mac OS-X conversion contract in the works. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.


Monday, August 16, 2004

Old hBlog - Design of blog

Well topics sort of work, it's kludge but it will get me by until I come up with a nice tasty design. (Ick I sound like a bad designer)

Well, history shows that I was one of those people who made REALLY bad party invites in MacPaint in the early days. So if I can design something really awful, you'll see it here.

Anyway, for now if you look to the Right ( Under Navigation) you should see my topics >>>>>>>>

There are a few there now, they are not all populated, and some hold place holder material, but at least they work.

And yes, I know the themes are ugly as sin, but trust me they are better than what you'll get from me :)

So with this milestone I think I'm going to go live sort of.....



Old hBlog - thoughts

"According to Jung, at around the age of six or seven we separate and then hide away the parts of ourselves that don't seem acceptable, that don't fit in the world around us. Those acceptable parts that we secret away become our shadows."

It's not funny to say it, but it's funny in an odd way. You see I dont think we ever labeled ADD when I was a kid. So we were just called "hyper", or im my case. "obnoxious".

But I find I seen to have a combination of ADD and procrastination. I don't know what they'd call that, but I know that I tend to get busy doing everything that I can like cleaning the whole house, when I really know I have something I must do.

Today I was supposed to go to work, come home and practice my music, hook up the synths, and send some email to a head hunter to try and get a second interview.

The apartment looks great....... But I didn't practice....

The porch looks great and the grill works like a champ..... The synths don't have any MIDI going to or from them....

This is the first time in two weeks I got back on this blog, and I think of things to write everyday. It's like 3:00 in the morning, but at least I'm not playing Star Wars Galaxies, but I think I'm avoiding that too... because I have things I'm supposed to do in it that I don't want to do as well.

I'm reading Wil Wheaton's book : "Just a Geek" . Wil was the kid in Star Trek that most people hated for some odd reason, but it turns out that while trying to find real film work he got really bored and ended up starting one of the first blogs: http://www.wilwheaton.net/ and he's pretty big Linux geek, so I have a sort of newfound respect for the dude. The book is quite a good read, and pretty funny at times too.

I've added a post from his site here from his XML news feed from his site, I'm still trying to figure out how to make all my different news aggregations work and the pick and choose which to present here.

I keep having to remind myself that this blog isn't for organizing things for ME to read, but to present those things I want to show to others. I could see how this could easily become yet another "bookmark" manager.

Things I hope to make work here before the trail period is up:

  • Topics and separate pages for each (like SWG; Halo; Alcohol/Sobriety; Book ideas; thoughts and maybe a propellerhead/geek/tech section.
  • New feeds from SlashDot, Allakhazam, PHP/perl logs,Mozilla
Well, it's a start.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Old hBlog - Drink test

(originally posted August 2nd, edited for typos from typing in bed :) )

I went to see a band Saturday night at Connor O'Neills .

As usual, I ordered a Tonic and OJ, and proceeded to give the guy $10.00. When I took a sip on the rather small glass I noticed immediately that it was definitely not a alcohol free drink. Without planning it, I was faced with one of the ultimate tests.

See, there's no question in my mind that there is no way I'm going to buy drinks or alcohol , and therefore I'm damn sure I won't drink again.

But up to this point no one has put a drink right in my hand. Hard to believe, but true.

Anyway, I put it down and stared at it, and then I got up ad walked to the pizza by the slice place around the corener and got a slice with all the drunks and promptly tried to suck up what little I had sipped,

I walked away feeling pretty damn good about myself.