He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, November 27, 2005

RIchard Thom[pson


I listened to the boy last night. I worked a late night gig, and ended up up with the band. Unbeleievable, The guy has amazing chops, and I ended up up eatingng more granlola bars than I ever expected.

He rocks, pure and simple , no other way to describe it.



Monday, November 21, 2005

This will probably the last entry for a while.

I have no internet access again, so I have to find some wireless somewhere. Plus I misplaced my wireless detector. A couple nibbles. But the owner wants to evict those of us who have been a problem. And I've been a problem.

I really don't want to move. But I have no good leads, and there is a real shortage of even real crappy jobs. I was going to start doing Window (the glass kind) installations, but the owner is a crack head and got busted dealing.

I have a neighbor who is moving willing to give me his furniture, free. And this would be great. Or at least good. If anyone has any great ideas, it's getting hard to sell stuff on eBay when you can't respond to questions.

But I just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive. I must get out of tis parking lot before Security comes to harass me. They have a tendency to think this is wrong so we last about 20 minutes, sometimes I can usually leave it downloading mail while I pretend to go shopping.

Anyway, that's the new from OZ. I must have wandered off the yellow brick road.

I hate this, but I can't seem to fix it this time. It's been real, thanks for everything.



Thursday, November 10, 2005

Don't knock on my door if you don't know my cats name .....

OK it's a bad reinterpretation of a Zevon song..... But it works.

At 4:00 in the morning, which seems to be when I wake up lately, I'm grilling pork chops and trying to figure out why I've become such a Vampire.

But it is kind of amazing how much you can get done at this hour. Problem is you crash later.

And I somehow lost my battery for my wireless headphones, which sucks, because I annoy my neighbors. I like my music loud, because I probabaly made myself deaf when working working in rock and roll, and I have a habit of punching up the volume.

If anyone knows how to make a Farallon Etherwave card work with PC let me know because this damn Micron docking syetm sucks and blows (as Bart Simpson would say)

It's hard to believe, but the Powerbook Duo was the best docking system I ever have used. it JUST worked.

I know I'm wandering here, it's a stream of thoughts thing, sorry. It's 4:00 in the morning, and I'm a little less than awake.

I've been reading stuff by Kevin Smith, and as cool as he is, he makes you cynical, wish I understood more of film making though.

I'm kind of working on 5 things at once, and not one of them will get done. Welle except for the ghetto dishwasher I have, evrything will come out grey, It's a feaature. I miss Canyon.

But this is what I get for screwing up so much.

Accidenly like a martyr

Cheers, going to watch the sunrise,


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Life and a Bush of Ghosts

OK, so Roswell kicked over an entire tray of mini screwdrivers today.

That was the begininng of my day. And that wa at 4 am which will make anyone happy.

Then there was the calls from Fortress, who I used to work for.... looking for information that I told them I would no longer give for free since they sent me free.

I''m going to walk to Taco Bell and eat,which is suicide in a bag, and then go back back to fucking with Windows. Fun huh ?

Glad you think so, persoanally I'm finding it to be hell.

I have to find a life. ANd this ain't it, but neither is New England. so herer I sit on a PC, trying my hardest not to cringe at every keystroke.

My eyes burn,my head hurts, why can'tI just lie down and die ?

This is isimply torture. I should just go back to drinking. at least then I'd have an excuse.

I'm sick of this shit, plain and simple, and will soon lose my mind.

I'm amazed I haven't yet, but there is some sort of force that keeps metrue, which is wierd, even to me.


Car Wrecks and my Blog


so I suppose it's somehow fascinating to drive by a car wreck, reading my blog is the same.

But why do I keep this up ?

Because Icare about this stuff. And I don't give a damn if you read it or not.If I didn't get it out, it wouldn't ever get out ,and then here I'd be alone, and no history at all.

Live with it, but stop being so abusive.

Much Love, Sorry,



Went and saw the Samples a fewnights ago, and frealized they are probabably the best band in the world.

They naileddown thoughts I have had for years, while also being a great band.

It takes alot of work to impress me at at a Live show, but the two times I've seen the Samples here in Boulder, I've been amazed.

It was amazing to hear their sound,and to just be there.

Iknow noone wants tohear about this, but I had to bring it up.


OK I give in


Enough people have written me that I will try,with some real effort to keep the blog going.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I just have been losing my mind, and have lost control of the steering wheel.

There is a certain sense to when and when not to share personal information, and I wasn't clear on that. because of that, I offended some of the people close to me, and just flat out annoyed others.

to all, if you notice I try very hard not to use names, but I can't be totally anonymous without ruining the story, so I have to give certain facts.

If I say something about you, and you hate it, just tell me and I'll pull it down.

I like being able to speak to all of you, I just hate being beat up for it.

This is by far the easiest way to do so. And I really do have a desire to keep in touch.

So for now, I'll try to keep the blog rolling,but if I offend you just let me know.



Sunday, November 06, 2005

Dropping the curtain

This is the last blog post.

I'm tired of the abuse, and frankly, the lack of support.

Maybe I was looking for something I shouldn't have expected, but the I did this to tell people who I thought cared about what was going on in my life. Instead I've managed to generate a a great deal od abuse, and quite frankly, a great deal of broken relationships.

It's been too much for me to handle right now. I have enough problems that I can't seem to handle, as simple as they might seem, and the last thing I need is more rhetoric from people who aren't involved.

There are a lot of issuses folks don't understand. And one more comment about my life or relationships like the ones I've been given, and I'll lose it and get mean. So, as they say, That's all folks.....


Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Defiition of friendship

I wish I didn't have to write this, but I feel I do.

I have gone through hell and (hopefully) back.

And instead of support, I have had nothing but lectures, complaints and critisism.

I would go to the end of the world almost all of my readeres if they were in trouble, and instead I get the editorial that would usually end up in the Weekly World News.

There a re a few exeptions, but overall, I don't need it right now OK ?

Rememeber what somone once said. "If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all..."

Because I am having a hard enough time as it is, and dealing with hurtful email and letters only adds to it.

If it doesn't matter to you enough to be supportive then leave the F&*(^ing comments to yourselves.

I don't write this to be Dan Rathers, I do it to give folks an idea what's going on in my life.

Sometimes I get good advice, which is great, but I'm tired of getting beat up here and on the blog, letters or email.

It hurts enough right know, I don't need an additional kidney punch.

There are members, and know who you are, who have been supportive, but the rest of this crap has essentially ruined friendships as far as I am concerned.

I'm sorry I had to write this, I never thought I would be so volititile, but here it is.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And then it gets uglier....

Loooks like the Jeffco scholll district wants to end my contract.

They don't like the Macs they have, hate my hours that I have chosen, which actually make sense because I'm not disrupting work, and generally don't like my not wanting to work on Windows machines.

I'm too old to deal with this kind of crap.