He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


There is a point where you reach a point where you feel like a Vampire. I've been sleeping every day, and I mean ALL day. Then staying up ALL night. It's not healthy, and it's not right, but I'm far more comfortable in the dark.

I'm getting sick of this shite though. You get pulled over a lot when you operate late at night. Or in the morning. If I can say it, I think I can now do the "field test" with my eyes closed. The Boulder police are relentless, which is good, I guess, but they need a list of people to stop worrying about.

They use 2 cars for every pullover. And it's frightening. Every time. And I carry a knife most times, just a multitool, because I need to use one, but you have to explain every bit of your work.

But you learn fairly quickly, that the police, are truly trying, and as wrong as you may think they are, they do a required job everyday. And I'm not a suckup.

But enough about that, I still think I'm cursed. The battery died in the Rover tonight, so I'm going to be lucky if it starts tomorrow, or I should say today. I'm going to put the solar panel on it, ans see what happens when I get up this morning. I don't know who's cheerios I pee'd in, but I have annoyed a god of some sort.

So now I'm trying to appease, but I'm losing an awful amount of faith. ANd I'm damn lonely, and I'm damned depressed. And I'm sorry to throw my dirty laundry out at you all, but that's the facts. And if I hold back, it wouldn't be my blog.

Much of what I do, is icky, and much of what I do is depressing, but here I stand, and I know what I think, and what I think is important to me.


Saturday, August 27, 2005


I've been dead once already, It's very liberating. You can think of it as Therapy.

Oh what a day......

Ever heard of the healing power of laugher ?

Alfred.... She is great isn't she....

Yes sir,
- Batman

Friday, August 26, 2005

DIrty Dancing...

OK, so the helong version of DD is, quite frankly, great.

I didn't say it it, but almost as good as thw DVD verssion of 3 Muskeeers' which is amost as good as Chasing Amy, but no one can touch that.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

OK, so I shouldn't have left the seat up....

I decided not to deal with anyone today, oddly, noone wanted to deal with me either I guess.

Except an old friend who holds a very special place in my heart. Which totally surprised me.

Life continues, much to my surprise, and we had an amazing thuderstorm here this morning.

Savannah has decided to return, long enough to eat and get a good brushing, then ran off again, but she is smart enough to run away from the major road, so I try to let her roam. Bengals don't do well indoors, and she has an asshole stepbrother.

I'm trying very hard to hold everything together, but it's been wierd, and I want an escape. Thinking seriously about snowboarding in New Zealand before too long. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I'll jump off a cliff that's too high.

A friend of mine's cat has taken to using the toilet on his own. No training. Boggles the mind. I wish Roswell would.....

But he's a good boy, and a great alarm clock.

I misss Indiana, she was the snuggly kitty.

Anyway, Off to try and install an old version of WindowsNT because I know how to hve a good time.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Life the Universe and Everything again


So today I managed to run into a Pro snowboarder who we used to hang with at the US Open back "in the day" at US Opens and such. I'm not naming names, because I'm not sure he's be comfortable with that.

I asked a question about one of my favorite pro dnowboarders, Craig Kelly, and found out some very depresssing news. Turns out a while back he was killed in an avalanche.


This is very late, but Craig was one of the biggest influences in my snowboarding life, and also one of the nicest guys I ever met. I feel like hell that I didn't know he died, and I feel worse that I wasn't paying attention.

Craig was an idividualwho defined the idea of freeriding, and he changed my whole idea of riding for fun, and I wish I had known earlier. Just goes to show how life and death play with the balance in the world.

Craig Kelly was 36 years old and is survived by his daughter, Olivia and partner, Savina. Donations in memory of Craig Kelly can be sent to the Canadian Avalanche Association, P.O. Box 2759, Revelstoke, B.C., Canada, V0E 2S0 or via the web at http://www.avalanche.ca in the sales and products section.

Personally, I thought Craig knew more about having a good time on a mountain than worrying about being sponsered, and I hope his legend lives on.

I'm getting really sick of losing my heroes, and again, I'm embarrassed to not have know when it happened.


Sunday, August 21, 2005


So it looks like through a set of odd arrangements, I may actually be able to keep my apartment, which is good, because quite frankly, with all this crap, moving again would probably kill me.

I've taken to going for long walks late at night again, and although it's good for the soul, in this neighborhood, I'm told it's dangerous. But, if they want to take me at this point they will either get a hell of a fight, or .35 cents.

I'm trying really hard to keep my perspective, but it's getting harder, and I've realized now that I spend most of my downtime sleeping or working. And that's not where I intended to be. There has to be more to life than this. I cannot believe that this is how it should be.

There was a time when I actually had a feeling that this would be perfect, but now I'm thinking there is more to it than this, I just wish I had taken better care of myself when I was younger. Then I could hold my own with the Boulderites.

There's a skatepark right down the street from here, which is cool, because I get to watch the grommets try not to kill themselves. It's pretty amazing how much skateboarding has come back and gotten so big. These kids get some fairly serious air. I wish I had a better camera, because a few are really good.

I go over and sit on my roofrack and just watch, I've met 2 Skateboarder magazine people there, they like to shoot from the roofrack, so it's kind of a nice trade. And I get to make contacts in case I decide to change occupations.

Anyway, be well my friends, and remember, that the uninverse has some sort of way of sorting us all out. (I need to stop reading Anne's quantum physics books)


Friday, August 19, 2005


There was a time when I had a passion for all of life, but I've sort of reached a limit to how much I can get excited about getting up in the morning. I wish I had a better attitude, but there is a point where everyone breaks, and I thought I had approached it back when I had to deal with my Dad almost dying, but that's not even close to where I am now.

Carter Lake

(there are a few more embarassing photos posted)

I've really tried to make my old stupidity right, but it hasn't helped, I've tried to keep a postive attitude, and what I have ended up with is a world that sucks completely. I may have been dumb coming to Colorado, but I couldn't deal with the ghosts of New England anymore.

One visit to a Dunkin Donuts (sp?) when back, convinced me I can't play the New England game any more. I'm too mellow and too weak to fight for that place in line.

There is very little I can rememeber that didn't have a taint to it, so I guess I'm getting to be an old curmugeon, but it's starting to be a bear, and sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.

I wish I could report something better, and Micro asked me about moving back today, but I would just fall into old New England habits if I did, an that would be bad.

I have learned to get out and enjoy Colorado, and I'm pretty good at Pool now, so I at least have hobbies, I just wish they had Chelmsford GingerAle here......

Hairball, Late, tired. broke and fairly depressed.

To my mother, My cats, and clowns........ Is there Life on Mars ?

( yes Dago, I now it's supposed to be "Dogs and Clowns" But I think I'm allowed to take liberties, I've been a fan long enough)

Water flows Downhill.... As does shite


They want to evict me.

And I have a negative balance in my bank account

And my best bet at a mate is telling me she's staying in AZ.

Bur I have my health, sort of......

I think it's time to seriously start thinking of auctioning the cats. ....

It's a godawful small affair......

I'm tired of lawyers and pinhead fools, I need to get out of this country for a while, anyone wanna babysit 2 pain in the ass. but lovable furballs ?

If I don't get pressure relief soon, I'm going to go back to my old habits, and that won't be good, and I think I need to go board somewhere, and now.

Sorry for the diatribe, but I need a pressure relief valve, and this is it.


Friday, August 12, 2005

When geeks move in....

So this is the unfortunate result of geeks moving in.......

Geek Shot 2

Geek Shot

And no, the new computers aren't mine. I wish they were, but they are "borrowed" for R&D on a new Jeffco image.

My network is all screwed up, because Comcast can't figure out the box on the roof, so it's kind of interesting trying to get machines settled or for that matter even running daily.

And that is Savannah, sporting a new collar ID tag because she is usually too fast for me, snd gets out the door, and then disappears for 48 hours these days. So if, by some odd chance my cel phone is still activated, I may actually find out if she got run over or taken in.

The slugs, in A/C

Anywho, I'm getting old, and quite tired of all this crap. So if anyone wants to try and enjoy Colorado, come visit, I have a bunch of boxes that need unpacking, and I have a pool, or at least I think I do, I know for sure we have basketball courts and a sand vollyball net. :P



Thursday, August 04, 2005

Can't buy a break....

I spent most of today trying to get the Rover fixed.

OK I know I own an expesive car, but it has given me great times, and frankly, good times, so I do not regret it at all.

But when it gets hit while parked on the side of the road, it sucks when your in sewer ants company wants to charge you money for it. (read it twice, you'll get it)

I'm miserable.

This will be my worst Birthday ever. For those who have been asking, I'm looking for a copy of
"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" by Genesis" and and hrlp with utitity bills.

My new Apt is cool, but Savannah spends all her time hiding from Roswell by living on the shelf ablve the Kitchen, and the place is a total disaster. I'm afraid to let them out, because a major road is nearby, but there may be a poiny where I have to just to ease the tension.



Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Some photos...

Figure while I have a connection, I'd put up some photos. Click on the one below to go to Flickr and there are more posted.

the laziest squirrel ever

being home, or like it

Oddly enough, this place has crickets. Which, when trying to sleep are either annoying as hell or actually peaceful. I'm sort of getting used to being alone again, but I don't like it.

I find that I have lost the ability to properly sleep again, but walking around here is nowhere near as fun as walking around downtown was.

There's probably some sort os logic to that, but I haven't found it yet. I really need net access, so I can at least work when I can't sleep. For some reason I can use a wireless connection really late at night (or morning) that someone has left open. But it doesn't work during that day.

My iPod has pretty much saved my sanity, because it's going to take weeks to get to my sound stuff, and now that the iBook is broken again, I have a pretty hard time running any DVDs.

I've discovered that although A/C is nice, it seems to dehydrate you faster than anything. The cats are going through water like crazy, and I have cramped up almost everytime I wake up. So i hope it gets cooler here soon so I can ween myself off the A/C. The pool would be nice, but my scars and modesty of the psoriasis on my legs make me shy to use it, plus I don't have a key yet.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Moved ?

Well thanks to Pete, we managed to move all my tons of junk into the new place.

While parked on the street new Anne's, the Rover got hit, near as I can tell by a Ryder or Penske truck, judging from the color of the paint left behind. The dside mirror is completely gone, and the panels are very banged up.

Managed to smash the iBook again in the move, just after getting it fixed.

Some people can't buy a break.

Near as I can tell, the new place is OK, but it smells like bad pet pee. Tried all the carpet fresh I can deal with now, but now it's too full to do much more.

I'm bruised and sore, and VERY VERY tired. The cats are fighting over territory in the house, but 4 neighbors of 2120 Canyon mentioned how much they would miss Roswell.

Savannah really only made one friend there who moved out a couple months ago. Roz, in his "doglike style" made friends with any one who left a door open.

I'm running around town now trying to get all the logistics done. Moving sucks.

Pete deserves a medal for his willingness to help in the hottest weather they have had her in 120 years.

I think the new address is :

704 Mohawk Dr. Apt # 2
Boulder CO 80303

I'm probably not going to be able to afford a land line phone, and Sprint is busy calling me everyday telling me they are going to shut off my cel, so for now the cel is the best way to contact me.

Right now I'm using the free wireless in downtown Boulder. I'm hoping to get internet soon, but every freshman on the CU acceptance list is moving into town right now. Comcast is backed up beyond belief.

I think things will start to improve, but I really have to get Knowmads started up out here or I'm in deep doo doo.

On the less dramatic side, if you get a chance to see Wonka, let me know what you think. I liked it, but I had a massive backache during it, so I wasn't in the greatest mood. Also if you have the cash, see March of the Penguins. I think the folks who made it deserve the credit. It's a fabulous documentary.

I'm going to try and keep up the Blog, but I really have a hard time getting to the 'net. So we'll see.
