He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, December 30, 2005

Still Growing Up....

By the way,

A very kind friend bought me the latest Peter Gabriel DVD "Still Growing UP - Live and Unwrapped"

It's I think much more interesting footage and versions of stuff from the Growing Up tour DVD. (Although he doesn't have Here Comes the Flood, which as Micro knows is my favorite PG song live {Micro bought me a ticket and dragged me kicking and screaming to some of the best seats in the house})

But it's worth checking out.

He gave up the bike and went with those Segway scooters which is a wierd twist.


Clarification revisited....

Ok I've been asked to explain, with what has happened how money thet was kindly donated to me & the cats, how it wasn't spent on Liquor.

Ok There may have been the first drink that came out of my funds, but everything after that was picked up by the pool team I play for, and I won the final game. I was dumb and kept accepting "victory dance" shots.

The team won $500.00 for the championship.

Now, that said a good deal of the money I got went into fines and such to get my useless ass out of jail. So I guess technically, I did wrong, but if I didn't get out of jail, the cats would have to find new homes, and frankly, short of 2 or 3 friends, they are the only things I care about.

Pete was kind enough to take the chance of getting in trouble with his landlord by coming and getting them, and trying his hardest, while busy trying to get his own business running, to bail me out, but we just didn't have the assets necessary.

So, If you are upset at me for using what means I had to, let me know, I'll find a way to give you back what you put in.

I can't say it will be quick, I'm lucky enough to be out, and I'm loading in a band today at the Fox Theater, so I might actually have a few dollars, but rent is still a long way off. I'm working with my parents, and my lawyer to try and get some wiggle room, but it's an uphill fight, and frankly I was wrong, and I deserve everything that has happened to me.

Nuff said,

Back to you.



I now have a huge pile of cat food that was paid for by contributors, They are very happy. NONE of that money went into anything except a small amout to get my cel phone running again, and getting my dumb ass out of jail* (see newer post)

Things aren't great, but are getting better, hopefully I'll get a job and be able to pay rent.

If anyone has a spare USB keyboard, let me know, this one got full of cranberry juice thanks to Roswell and no matter what I've tried I can't keep the keys from sticking. I've even tried straight denatured alcohol.

It sucks, and the one lonely USB 'board I have is the small one wit h no f Keys. And it usually is hooked to the laptop by the bed.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tons of fun, Happy Holidays

Ok, there is a post coming explaining all the details of the fun I had.

It'd just taking me a while to make sure I don't offend evryone. I'm going to offend many of you, but I hope not everyone.

All my possible phones are dead again, I'm using a Virgin Mobile pay per use phone, but I can only buy minutes in $20.00 segments.

And I can't seem to get that much together with havingto travel by bus, and paying $3.00 a day for breath tests.

Needless to say, i fucked up, details to follow.

If anyone see's Virgin Mobile cards for sale anywhere, please let me know, every once in a while they run a promo and put them on sale.

I'm not giving the number out, but if you REALLY need to reach me send an email and I'll provide it, it's just too expensive.

Cheers, Hairball

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Coming Soon...

There will be a post.

It's not good, it wasn't fun, and the short version is I can't drive in Colorado anymore.

And the food in prison here sucks....

Monday, December 12, 2005

Scrooge is Dead..... Long Live the Furballs

Thank You Thank You Thank You

You know who you are, and if you want me to post who you are I will. But for sake of privacy, I will leave the wonderful saviors out of the blog.

Not that yyou haven't helped me enough by support and help previously, But the cats now eat, I actually eat, the car is back in the parking lot. And I might even be able to get a phone that works.

Here's a little proof of happiness from the lucky furballs:

Roz Real Füd

And The dumbest face from flash:

Savannah Real Füd

Now I will say Roswell did let me know very plainly, by filling a box of books with cat pee, about how happy he was about the whole Oatmeal and dirty cat box thing. But I guess that's just one way to get rid of a box or two. but phew, what a tremendous odor.....

I took someones good advice and picked up a $40.00 "pay as you go" phone (actually I got a great deal on a refurb phone for $19.95 and then a $20.00 Top Off card.

I won't be giving the number to anyone except recruiters and job prospects, so if you need it, get in touch with me direct and we can make an arrangement.

I got some pasta, and a 2Fer on bagged salad and some bread, so I'm not just eating sodium.

I'm still sort of wondering what will happen come the 1st, but this relieves some pressure.

As I said, I'll be happy to give credit where credit is due, but I respect your privacy, and tryly appreciate your generosity. I'll try and make it up to each and every one of you.

Much love, purring and hopefully clear air soon,

Roswell, Savannah & Hairball

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Harry's Telethon for the furballs


Yes, I'm completely out of funds, and Yes, it's my own damn fault, but the cats have no more food, and they need some, so if you happen to have a PayPal account, and feel like throwing a couple bucks towards cat food, it will save Roswell from trying to make Oatmeal a meal.

Ros & Oatmeal

This is really a picture of Roswell actually eating Oatmeal. Because it's the only food left in the house. I won't make it much closer to Christmas, but at least they can.

If by chence Tuna continues to be as cheap as it has been around here we can share a little, but I'm more concerned about them. I give up on me, I have a pack of Saltines and peanut butter, but they won't touch it.

Yesterday I sold 5 Dvds's for 1 small bag if cat food and .98 cents of gas to get me from Target.

But it's now gone. I can't drive the car anymore, it's not insured, and it's out of gas, and I have to say it takes 3 people to push it. It's now at least in a parking lot owned by my building manager, but it's not here.

So if you feel like helping them, I won't touch the money except for cat food, I promise. I've surrenered in the war against poverty.

Paypal is hbrown@knowmads.com

Happy Holidays,


Friday, December 09, 2005

Some Clarifications

Having so much to do yesterday, I spent some time rereading many of the comments in the blog, because it's obvious I've offended a number of people.

Let me first apologize if I offended anyone, There has not been one personWhas given me bad advice, I'm just raw, like a toothache, and everytime I hear something, it hurts, and I strike out.

There is no excuse it's just the way I've reacted, I'm sorry.

One message pointed out I shouldn't waste my money on Poker and put it into bills. I should have pointed out, I wasn't playing poker for money. It is a league, that I helped run, and would get a cut of the evening's tips. Same with the Pool and Dart league. I was a way of trying to pay the bills.

And there was a lot of tings that happened, but I left B&N because I was told I was getting 40 hours. A little warning before just sending a courier for my laptop, after they had used my personal laptop was for a year.

I'm not making excuses, I should have jumped right on it and found a new job, and perhaps even got rid of the ROver, but at that point, I owned the ROver outright, Even putting an Excort on the road would have meant another loan. Try and get one with a chapter 11 under your belt.

But all I wanted to say, to all of you, thank you.

Unfortunately, my penchant for procrastination, and breifly falling back on bad habits has left me in a place where I have no chance of survival.

I'm talking to recruiters, I'm talking to stores, but most are set for the retail world, and most of the recruiters say this is a bad time to try and get hired. People who hire are spending time with their family, and many companies are actually laying off for end of the year. Surprising to me, but I guess Scrooge is alive and well in the business world.

Also my damn neighbor borrowed and broke my printer, and I can't even afford to have Kinko's print me 10 resumes.

So assume all you want, there's no question I have made some bad decisions. But I truly am sorry if I offended anyone, you've been more than helpful.

I wish this was a post saying things are better, and I have a plan, but I'm mostly trying to move around when I can from possibilities for jobs, and repacking everything, so it's more organized when I have to move, because I will, I've thrown away quite a bit, but I still have too much stuff, and nothing is sellable.

Everyone have a nice weekend, sorry I've been such a snag.

Much Much,


Thursday, December 08, 2005

That's the way the cookie crumbles...

Well it's official, I'm completely broke. I just spent my last 37 cents on a can of tuna for me and the cats to split.

The only good news is weak, but it may not be carple tunnel but just arthritis. Yipee !! and I can't take anything for arthritis because of my liver.

Which by the way isn't being beat up btw, I stopped drinking about a day and a half after I started again.

Talked to two recruiters today, they pretyy much it's hopelesss trying to get work right now. Wait til January, when my address will be 101 Skid Row.

As for Dave's good suggestion about working at a resort, called around, most start hiring in June, and have all positions filled by August, Plus even to run a cash register you need a physical, and I was told by Keystone and Copper they wouldn't take me with my back.

Circuit City let me fill out an application, then said expect no word til after the holidays.

So... that was my dayI was up all night in pain from my hand, I think even if I had a gun I couldn't pull the damn trigger.

Cheers and all that rot, I'm going to make Ice. It's all I have ingredients for.


Just when I thought I all the bases covered.....

Aftr adonizing for 3 days, I went to the local "free" clinic, amd ofund out the pain in my hand is probably Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

This means not a lot to many people, but when you work in the business I do....

It's the stake throuh the heart, delivered, not by Buffy but her wickcked stepsister, Matilda (Nothing against Matilda's out there...)

Ther's no way to know for sure, except, get this, "if the pain persists for 4 or 5 more days, while not using the hand (try eating Ramen with the opposite hand you are used to) then it's probably CPS...."

I couldn't buy a break with a stolen credit card.....

So I pologize for the messy (or messier than usual) typing. That all the news from the front that's fit to be read,


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tis the Season........


Some of you have actually been crazy enough to ask I want for Cristmas.

First let me say I expect nothimg. Maybe some coal.

Most have already given to this somewhat lost casue.

But if you still find the need, in order of prererence:

1 - Gas Cards (Just not Mobil. I can't seem to find much but BP out here. Maybe there's a Mobil affilate I don't het tp buy very often.

2 - Phone Cards

3 - Help with my SprintPCS acccount, I don't know if they sell gift cards or not.

4 - Triple A batteres for my wireless sensor, it eats them like crazy, but it's missing at the moment, so these fall to the botttom.

All that said, those are just thimgs that are safe, And help find a job. But nothing but well wishes is good too. I now I haven't been much fun, and I'm sorry. I'm workng on it, I really am.

Best Wishes,


Saturday, December 03, 2005

All the young dudes......

There's a funny gap in one's life.It's tied close to what you have to swallow.....

I sat out in the cold last night and played bass fin the snow for 3 hours, Makes an intereresting night.

Give me my damn hard drive and stop playing with boys. I can take only so much before I lose sense and start the fight. Even I don't want that. I carry a sword now. it makes me odd, but interesting.

I found Earl Slick to be one of the most upriright guys I now know, He and Tom Waits, wierd, i spent time with Leo Cotke he remembered Karen but couldn't stand me. Big surprise, I can''t stand me.
5666 there's a cat here who matters. Shec cares's but breathes funny. I ho[r she does

there's funny story about....

a lack of caring. Well I have tried really hard to care, But there's nothing to care about now.

You know who you are, you find a way to avoid my IM tools. Well, I can play a another little game. But I refuse. I will leave you be. I can't play anymore. I simply can't take the risk.

I shoot pool, darts and play poker, I can't pay my bills and I can't survive much longer, Funny how it works, we can't live life anymore. But remeber, there's nothing you can change. There is no way around the inevitable.

But you lost the one thing that was true. I was ready to accept the life that was supposed to me mine. so I will end mine. And let it go.


Thursday, December 01, 2005


I find myself faced with many opinions on what I'm doing......

I want to thank you all for the thoughts and bits of wisdom, but I think you are misssing the point.

I'm in an ugly position, I don't really need critisism, I need advice that makes forward motion possible. I know what the common sense logic would be, but that is beyond hope now, I'm sorry to seem negative, but quite frankly, if I wanted yelling at I'd just ask for it. I can get that from many people evry day,

I'm up against a wall, and I really don't need to be reminded every day .

I'm sorry, I may seeem unappreciative, but it's pain enouugh without more reminders. You aren't part of this anymore, don't pretend to care, those who know and do, continue to do so. those whose editorial is unwelcome, is well, unwelcome.

I'm a pain in the ass and a son of a bitch. Get used to it. I am unpleasant and a jerk. That's just the way it is.
